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Spice Gold


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Spice Gold Incense – Spice Gold Herbal Incense

Spice Gold incense is much more in demand without a moment’s delay due to its decent aroma, effectiveness, etc … create that product and you won’t be crushed. It is both hideously intense with a strong smell and aroma. It’s a decent product and is heavily targeted and will ship to any or all of the fifty states in the United States.

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How about starting with the actual qualities of this incense? The material is made from spices that have been around for a long time and were once used by ancient societies. The surface is light and soft and the fasteners include Baybean, Blue Lotus, Lion’s Tail, Louse-wort, Indian Warrior, Dwarf Scullcap, Macon-ha Brava, Pink Lotus, Marshmallow, Red Clover, Rose, Siberian Mother wort, Vanilla and Honey. . The fragrance is sweet and sweet and you can really smell the honey and vanilla. The flavor is very woody with a hint of vanilla.


Spice is only one of many Spice herbal smoking blends and is definitely one of the popular ones.  Most people will consider incense the alternative to marijuana considering that the effects are quite similar.  What you feel with Spice Gold, and with any other herbal blend for that matter, really depends on your experience, method, dosage and the potency of the blend.

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Spice Gold

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